Friday 24 April 2015

Move On With Courage

When you truly love someone,they will be your sweetest hello and your hardest goodbye..but be strong and keep moving on..let the past be the strength for you to move find out what's in front of us,we don't move backward..give yourself a second chance to start a new chapter..although it's a new chapter but we never know,maybe the person from your past is a part of it..the difference is,he or she might not be the same anymore..they might had changed into a better person whom you've always wished they were before..and if you are lucky enough,that person might still loves is limitless,so,why not trying to give it a chance?
   However,it might turn out to be a different story where you really have to move on without the presence of that particular special person from your past.if this is the case,then wake up people,you really do have to let it go..let it remain as a beautiful memory of yours..Walk with FAITH,you will see a brighter future.
It is not easy to move on.. I know..praying a lot will give you a peaceful and clear state of mind..let God speak in your life so that you can take a step ahead everyday..In addition to that,distracting your attention to your past might helps a lot too.

1.Make yourself busy
   If you are working then it might be quite easy for you.You can work overtime and get extra payment for your salary *you can go shopping..hehe.. or participate in some community service such as helping at the orphanages..or do something which can distract you. WARNING : DO NOT DO SOMETHING STRESSFUL

2.Going on a vacation
   Going on a vacation can help you to relax your can either go on a   solo vacation or in group..but going to the place where both of you had share  lot of good things together is not a good idea.It will only remind you of him or her and you will end up crying in your hotel room instead of having fun. If you  are trying to save some money now and can't afford to go on a vacation,that wouldn't be a massive problem. You can try going for a picnic or a ride. 

3.Keep yourself fit
   Yoga. It is one of the most popular thing to practise now. It's a good thing to try and instead of sitting on your couch,watching sad love movie and eating homemade popcorn during weekend,  why don't you try going out and get some fresh air at the park maybe. Besides living a healthy life, you will also gain confidence to move on when your appearance are great. so WORKOUT!

    There are many more interesting things you can try in order for you to leave your past.These are only some suggestions which might work for some people and some don't. So, step ahead with confidence and don't look back.

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